Earthquakes and Active Tectonics in Albania
EATA - Earthquakes and Active Tectonics in Albania


Albania is located in the southeastern part of the area of active convergence between the European plate and the Adriatic microplate. The convergence process, active from the lower Miocene, determined the formation of the Albanid chain, a junction element between the Hellenid orogen, in the south, and the Dinaric one, in the north, and is also the engine of recent and current tectonic activity…

Project Goals

Analysis of active tectonics and definition of seismic and tsunami hazard. Mapping, classification and characterization of tectonic structures active in Albania (with identification of potential seismic sources), through the completion of the existing databases on active faults (integration with Share, DISS, ITHACA, etc.) useful for seismic microzonation studies, evaluation of the tsunami risk (SIAM)…
